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Вебинарпо ClinicalKey Studen

Вебинар "Научное письмо: советы по написанию научных работ от Wiley"
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ClinicalKey Studen
ClinicalKey Student - over 250 textbooks, 2000 videos, 1500 quick access summaries, 4.200 questions and 150.000 images!
We are hosting a training session, so please stop by to learn more about this valuable resource that your institution now has access to.
Date: Friday, 22nd May 2020
Time: 15.00 p.m. Moscow time
Where: Online webinar
Please register here:
Why: A product specialist from Elsevier will answer your questions
For students: how to register, how to use Smart Search, how to highlight and share notes with your peers, how to create revision cards, how to create delf-assessmentand more
For faculty: how to assist you in the delivery of your curriculum online, use of all images copyright cleared in any resources you produce, how to embed content links in PPT's and your LMS, how to set reading assignments, and more
  1. After you have registered to the webinar, you will get a confirmation email with a link to join.
  2. Click on the link that you will find in your email-confirmation: Click here to join (test-link).
  3. Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android. Following window will open automatically in your internet browser. If you do not have the Zoom app installed, lick on ‘Cancel’ and then on ‘Join from your browser’.
Вебинар проводится на английском языке, но помимо ведущего участвовать будет также
Татьяна Сафонова, сотрудник московского офиса Elsevier, которой можно будет задавать вопросы на русском языке по ходу вебинара, или по его окончании.