

MAY 2024
National (with International Participation) Olympiad on Surgical Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery for Students and Residents
Date: May 1 - June 30, 2024
Address: ul. Volochayevskaya, 21a, Omsk, Russia (Omsk Clinical Dental Clinics №1)
OSMU Department of Dentistry, including Postgraduate Training Courses
Scientific Society of Students and Young Researchers
Tel: +7 (3812) 21-26-20
E-mail: stompdo@inbox.ru
International Olympiad «Preventive Medicine and Public Health»
Date: May 15, 2024
Address: pr. Mira, 9, Omsk, Russia (Building of the Faculty for Preventive Medicine)
Organizer: OSMU Department of Public Health and Healthcare Management
Tel: +7 (908) 310-02-07
E-mail: ozzomsk@mail.ru
Interregional Scientific Conference “Rare Neurology” (mixed format)
Date: 17 May, 2024
Address: ul. P. Nekrasova, 5a, Omsk, Russia (OSMU Building №2)
Organizer: OSMU Center for Postgraduate Education and Advanced Professional Training and Retraining
Tel: 8-962-044-45-30
E-mail: delov_roman@mail.ru
VI Medical Congress for General Practitioners of Siberian Federal District together with Scientific Conference «Medicine of Siberia»
Date: May 18, 2024
Address: ul. B. Tito, 2, Omsk, Russia (The hotel complex Tourist)
Organizer: OSMU Department of Internal and Family Medicine, including Postgraduate Training Courses
Tel: +7 (3812) 49-20-85
E-mail: osmagenpract@yandex.ru
Interuniversity Scientific Conference «Burning Issues of Disaster Medicine» (mixed format)
Date: May 20, 2024
Address: ul. Mira, 9, Omsk, Russia (Building of the Faculty for Preventive Medicine, Assembly Hall)
Organizer: OSMU Department of Extreme and Evidence Based Medicine
Tel: +7 (913) 680-18-52
E-mail: omon.omgma@gmail.com, natali1980-07-21@mail.ru
National Scientific e-Conference «Occupational Medical Evaluations: difficulties, problems, prospects» with Clinical Case Competition for Residents, Doctors, and Scientific and Teachers under 35 years old
Date: May 22, 2024
Address: ul. Mira, 9, Omsk, Russia
OSMU Department of Occupational Health
Ministry of Health of the Omsk Region
Clinical Medical Unit №7
Tel: +7 (3812) 65-04-22
E-mail: kafplotnikova@yandex.ru
III Interregional e-Conference (with International Participation) for Young Scientists «Interdisciplinary Aspects of Phthisiology and Infectious Diseases: Theory and Practice»
Date: May 31, 2024
Address: ul. Khimikov, 8a, Omsk, Russia (Clinical TB Hospital №4)
OSMU Department of Phthisiology, Pulmonology and Infectious Diseases
National Medical Research Center for Phthisiopulmonology and Infectious Diseases
Kemerovo State Medical University
Tel: +7 (3812) 95-68-24
E-mail: phtysiatriaomsk@mail.ru
JUNE 2024
Interregional Scientific Conference for Dental Surgeons and Maxillofacial Surgeons «Topical Issues of Surgical Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery: the View of a Young Specialist»
Date: June 7, 2024
Address: ul. Volochayevskaya, 21a, Omsk, Russia (Omsk Clinical Dental Clinics №1)
Organizer: OSMU Department of Dentistry, including Postgraduate Training Courses
Tel: +7 (3812) 21-26-20
E-mail: stompdo@inbox.ru