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Admission Campaign 2024-2025

Admission campaign 2024-2025
Main information 
Rules of admission in 2024-2025 academic year
Admission dates
Information on the possibility of submitting documents required for admission using the super service “Admission to a university online” through the federal state information system “Unified portal of state and municipal services (functions)”
Information about places for receiving documents, about postal addresses for sending documents required for admission, about email addresses for interacting with applicants
The maximum number of specialties and (or) areas of training for simultaneous participation in the competition
Special rights and individual achievements of applicants
 Special rights at admission to training specialist programs
Accounting for individual achievements of those entering specialty programs with features regulated by P-291-2024 
Entrance exams
Information on conducting entrance examinations in person and (or) using remote technologies
Peculiarities of conducting entrance tests for disabled people and persons with limited health capabilities 
The procedure for filing and considering appeals based on the results of entrance examinations conducted by the organization independently
List of entrance exams for applicants on the basis of secondary general or higher education
Language information
Naming of exams
Minimum and maximum amount of points
Forms of examination
Priority of entrance exams
Entrance test programs based on secondary general or higher education: chemistry, biology
Number of spots for admission 
Number of spots for admission to study places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services
Medical checkup
Information about the need for applicants to undergo a mandatory preliminary medical examination (examination)
Information about the availability of hostels
List of applicants that applied for General Medicine 31.05.01 (with English medium)
Schedule for online entrance exams in Chemistry and Biology 2024
List of applicants admitted to the entrance exams
Orders of enrollment 
Results of entrance exams
Chemistry: 16th July 09:00, 19th July 13:00, 20th July 13:00, 24th July 09:00
Biology: 19th July 09:00, 22nd July 13:00, 23rd July 13:00
Competitive list of applicants to Omsk State Medical University for places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services (31.05.01 General Medicine)
Instructions for registration for exam
Instructions for carrying out exam
Chemistry video link 26.09.24 14:00
Chemistry exam link
Biology video link 30.09.24  14:00
Biology exam link
Biology demo test link