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Programs with English medium

The study of the program of specialty "General Medicine" is the first stage of formation in the profession. For six years future doctors study fundamental and clinical medical disciplines as well as humanities and natural sciences. They learn how to diagnose various diseases, provide timely planned and emergency medical care, implement rehabilitation and preventive measures, conduct educational work among the population.
Specialty: 31.05.01 General Medicine
Field of study: Clinical Medicine
Level: Specialty degree (MD)
Certificate, degree or qualification: General Practitioner
Language of study: English medium
Mode of study: full-time
Number of academic years: 6
Number of semesters: 12
Total number of credits: 360
Number of credits per semester: 30
Total number of academic hours (1 academic hour = 45 minutes): 13288
State Accreditation Certificate № 3088 of 24.04.2019
Educational standards
Foreign students (specialty 31.05.01 General Medicine) are trained according to the curricula of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education.
Curricula for General Medicine with English medium (Specialist Degree, 6 years)