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Official website of the Embassy of France in Russia.
Scholarships of the French Government for studying and completing internships in France.
Higher education in France. Assistance in enrolling into French universities, passing language tests.
The French language in Russia.
The Alliance Française in Russia.
Opportunities to learn French, information on cultural events.
Scholarship for medical specialists (Bourse "Medecins specialistes")
(Scholarships of the Pont Neuf Association)
Internship in a French clinic
The scholarship is for medical specialists (Bourse "Medecinsspecialistes") to complete an internship for 4-6 months in a French clinic.
Age - under 35 years.
The Diploma of higher medical education is essential.
The developed medical project, suitable for implementation in a French clinic and promising for Russian Public Health is required.
The developed medical project, suitable for implementation in a French clinic and promising for Russian Public Health is required.
The deadline for applications is 15th March of each year.
Organized by: the Pont Neuf Association
Tel: +33 1 42 21 06 93,
Fax: +33 1 40 28 06 62
Scholarships for completing academic internships or business trips (Bourses de stage et sejour scientifique)
Completing academic internships or business trips.
Internships for a term of two to six months are offered to students and specialists with higher education who want to upgrade their skills in the professional field.
Conditions of participation:
Russian citizenship and residence in Russia.
Good command of French.
For medical area: not less than 9 years of studying in Medicine.
For applications:
The application blank form is posted on the website of the Embassy of France https://ru.ambafrance.org/ ;
Applications for scholarships are admitted by the Scholarships Department of the Embassy of France in Russia.
The deadline for applications is 1st November: for internships - from January to July of the following year;
The deadline for applications is 15th May: for internships - from September to December of the following year.
Information on deadlines can be found in Scholarships Department of the Embassy of France and on the websites https://ru.ambafrance.org/ and http://www.francomania.ru]
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German Academic Exchange Service
Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH
Mitgleid der Hermann von Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft
Deutscher Forschungszentren e.V.
The Helmholtz Association
German Research Centers
For those who want to learn German:
The Goethe Institute
German School
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If you want to learn about life and training in Great Britain, to select an appropriate educational course, to find contact information on particular universities and colleges, language schools and residential schools, the detailed information is on the websites:
Chevening Scholarship Programme
With the help of Chevening scholarships, the UK government supports ambitious young people, potential leaders who want to make their personal contribution to the development of Russia. Annually, about 40-50 Russian people leave for study in the UK under the Chevening Scholarship Programme.
All you need to know about the UK:
- What documents are needed to travel to the UK?
- What kind of weather can we expect?
- How to dress?
- Do I need vaccinations and health insurance?
- What are the rules of duty-free importation?
And many other things can be found at www.visitbritain.com/ru
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International Research & Exchanges Board
IREX Programme offers a lot of opportunities to talented and ambitious people. To find out more about programmes and conditions for scholarships, visit the website: http://www.irex.org
The Humphrey Programme
The Programme provides Russian an opportunity to travel to the USA for a year-long internship to conduct research and sharpen their professional skills. While the Programme does not offer a degree, it does provide broad professional enrichment through a combination of activities tailored to each Fellow’s interest. Humphrey Fellowships are limited to one academic year, preceded, if appropriate, by a period of the English-language training.
American Advising Center
Fulbright Programmes
Ford Foundation
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The Amsterdam Summer University Maastricht
Since 1990, the Amsterdam-Maastricht Summer University has harnessed the expertise available from international specialists and matched them with motivated participants. Every year, young professionals from all over the globe - from the museums in Europe to the universities of North America and the theatres of the Mediterranean - participate in our courses. The AMSU aims to stimulate international discourse between future decision makers, working in very different contexts, but facing common challenges. Not just examining the tried and tested formulas of the past, but looking forward.
Medicine - Amsterdam International Medical Summer School (AIMSS).
Since 1990, the Amsterdam International Medical Summer School (AIMSS) annually organizes Summer Schools for students from all over the world. The Summer School offers courses where you will be also involved in ongoing laboratory research. All in an international setting where students from several research areas come together to study and do research.
Participating in the AIMSS opens the opportunity for you to get acquainted with the Dutch education system and top level research of the Academic Medical Center of the University of Amsterdam (AMC-UvA). As a result of the participation in the Summer School several students have then done research at the AMC by invitation in various departments of the AMC. The Summer School could be your start of a successful career in the AMC.
The Summer School is organized for advanced students in Medicine, Biology and health sciences with a basic knowledge of biomedical and clinical sciences as well as recent graduates. The course language is English.
Student Travel Agency “STAR Travel” was founded in 1995 as a representative office of the international network of STA Travel agencies. STA Travel specializes in providing tourist services for young people and students and possesses its own ticket form that is accepted by 73 airlines around the world.
The STAR Travel Agency is an independent Russian legal entity. The Agency has representative offices in 15 cities of Russia - Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Togliatti, Novosibirsk, Rostov-on-Don, Kazan, Krasnodar, Krasnoyarsk, Ufa, Samara, Yekaterinburg, Omsk, Tyumen, Volgograd. It has cooperation agreements with 70 largest universities in Russia and its own offices in Lomonosov Moscow State University and Peoples’ Friendship University (RUDN).
The STAR Travel Agency is a member of the Federation of International Youth Travel Organizations (FIYTO), the National Association of Educational, Youth and Student Travel Organizations (NAEYSTO), the authorized ISIC International Student Identity Office in Russia, the booking center of the International Youth Hostel Federation (IYHF), the general agent of the Heathrow Express in Russia.
The basic services of the Agency include:
- special flight tickets at reduced fares for young people, students and teachers;
- international student (ISIC) and teaching (ITIC) certificates;
- organization of summer work programmes for 2-4 year students abroad;
- organization of long-term internships abroad for undergraduate students;
- reservation of rooms in international youth dormitories (hostels) and hotels around the world;
- insurance for travelers abroad.
You can find more information about the company at www.startravel.ru