An annual Scientific and Practical Conference “A Healthy Woman Is a Healthy Nation” was held on April 12-13, 2019 in the Regional Congress Hall. The conference was attended by practicing obstetricians-gynecologists, heads of gynecology and delivery departments, leading experts of allied specialties. The keynote speaker was Professor Victor RADZINSKY, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences. His report was named “Reproductive Medicine in the 21st Century: Prognosis and Prospects”.
Professor Igor KOSTIN, Head of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology in the Institute of Medicine, RUDN University, told about maternal mortality in today’s world. Elena KRAVCHENKO, Head of OSMU Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology for Advanced Professional Training, presented the report on risk factors in premature delivery.
Professor Sergey BARINOV, Head of OSMU Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, made the report on hysterectomy in obstetrics. During the conference 50 reports were presented in total. Experts told about youth reproductive health, treatment of pelvic inflammatory diseases and genitourinary tract infections; many other issues were also discussed.