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A Young Scientist from OSMU Was Awarded the Youth Prize by the Government of the Omsk Region

A young scientist from OSMU has been honored with the Youth Prize by the Government of the Omsk Region for the encouragement of young scientists.
This year, 32 young scientists from the Omsk Region competed for the Youth Prize. The laureates were selected from the top five candidates, and Kirill N. KURYATNIKOV, DMD, Prof. Asst. of the Department of Dentistry, including Postgraduate Training Courses, was awarded the Prize.
Kirill KURYATNIKOV conducted a series of research studies, developing and implementing methods, devices, and computer programs. These advancements offer fresh insights into the processes of tooth maturation and eruption, both in normal conditions and in hereditary diseases.
This study aims at facilitating early and timely diagnosis, providing guidance in selecting effective strategies for preventing and treating diseases that impact the hard tissues of teeth, and addressing challenges related to tooth eruption. This contributes to enhancing the overall quality of life through prompt diagnosis and treatment.
Congratulations on the victory, and we wish Kirill KURYATNIKOV new achievements in scientific endeavors!
OSMU Press Center