On November 23, 2023, the Interregional Scientific Conference «Burning Issues of Medical Rehabilitation in Neurology, Traumatology, and Internal Diseases» dedicated to the 20th anniversary of OSMU Department of Medical Rehabilitation, including Postgraduate Training Courses, took place.
The event was organized by the Ministry of Health of the Omsk Region, Omsk State Medical University, Omsk Regional Clinical Hospital, Ezramed Clinic, and Omsk Regional Association of Neurologists and Neurosurgeons named after Yu. N. SAVCHENKO.
Due to the intensive development of medical science, the improvement of diagnostics and specialized treatment methods, including high-tech medical care, contributes to the relevance of rehabilitation in various branches of medicine: neurology, cardiology, traumatology and orthopedics, rheumatology, and other internal diseases.
The conference brought together reflexologists, neurologists, physiatrist, physical therapists, massage therapists, and other specialists, as well as residents and students of OSMU.
The program of the conference included speaker presentations (both online and offline) by the leading medical professionals from Saint Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Omsk, and the special guest from Berlin. The participants got acquainted with the recent advances in medical rehabilitation.
Six OSMU Departments presented their research: Neurology and Neurosurgery, including Postgraduate Training Courses, Department; Orthodontics, Restorative Technologies and Osteopathy, including Postgraduate Training Courses, Department; Traumatology and Orthopedics Department; Pedagogy and Psychology, including Postgraduate Training Courses, Department; Surgical Diseases and Urology, including Postgraduate Training Courses, Department; and Medical Rehabilitation, including Postgraduate Training Courses, Department. This fact showed the interdisciplinarity of the conference and predetermined a wide range of discussed topics.
The topics of the reports were diverse and relevant for doctors of different specialties: «CT volumetry in current medical practice», «Osteopathy as a new medical specialty», «Differential diagnosis of arthritis and principles of correction», «Pharmacological treatment in Parkinson's Disease Rehabilitation», etc.
The conference showed that rehabilitation is one of the most complex and topical issues in health care and social care. Along with the improvement of rehabilitation methods, the possibilities of saving human life are also expanding.
OSMU Press Center