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Burning Issues of Medical Rehabilitation in Neurology, Traumatology, Cardiology, and Internal Diseases

On March 28, 2023, Omsk Regional Clinical Hospital hosted Interregional Scientific Conference «Burning Issues of Medical Rehabilitation in Neurology, Traumatology, Cardiology, and Internal Diseases», organized by the Medical Rehabilitation (Postgraduate Course) Department of OSMU and attended by the lecturers from OSMU Departments of Medical Rehabilitation (Postgraduate Course), Neurology and Neurosurgery, and Traumatology and Orthopedics.
The Conference was dedicated to the burning issues of improving the organization of medical rehabilitation under present-day conditions, evidence-based medicine, and medical rehabilitation. Scientists and working doctors discussed medical rehabilitation guidelines, statutory regulation and implementation of the rehabilitation process, modern achievements and high-tech approaches, the principles and features of multidisciplinarity in medical rehabilitation in order to restore working capacity, prevent disability and reduce the level of disablement, as well as the main directions of comprehensive medical rehabilitation of people with professional sport traumas and injuries.
The Medical Rehabilitation (Postgraduate Course) Department of OSMU was represented by the following lecturers and reports: «Innovative technologies for managing patients with post-covid asthenic syndrome» and «Modern technologies for relieving pain in diseases and sports injuries» by Prof. Vadim A. AKHMEDOV, MD, PhD, Head of the Department, «Topical issues of organization of medical rehabilitation» by Prof. Assoc. Anna S. ISAEVA, MD, PhD, «Physiotherapy of patients with hypertension» by Prof. Assoc. Inna A. LAVRINENKO, MD, PhD, «Comprehensive use of physiotherapeutic methods and soft manual techniques in the rehabilitation of athletes after injuries» by Prof. Asst. Dmitry E. BATUSHENKO, MD, PhD, «Medical rehabilitation of patients with primary headaches» by Prof. Asst. Denis I. MOROZ, «Reflexotherapy for neurological manifestations of spinal osteochondrosis» by Prof. Asst. Olga L. FILIPPOVA, and «Rehabilitation of carpal disorders» by Yulia O. OSTROVSKAYA.
Prof. Assoc. German G. DZYUBA, MD, PhD, Head of the Traumatology and Orthopedics Department, and Prof. Asst. Alexander V. TYUTYUNNIKOV, MD, PhD, presented reports on the problems of orthopedic rehabilitation of patients with rheumatoid arthritis and the management of patients with proximal femur fractures based on clinical guidelines.
Prof. Valery I. LARKIN, MD, PhD Head of the Neurology and Neurosurgery Department told about the spinal stenosis in the clinical practice of a doctor of physical and rehabilitation medicine, and Prof. Assoc. Yuriy V. LALOV, MD, PhD, dedicated his report to the pharmacotherapy in the rehabilitation of post-stroke movement disorders and movement rehabilitation in Parkinson's disease. The experience of neurologists and neurosurgeons in the field of rehabilitation aroused considerable interest and gave occasion to further productive discussion.
 OSMU Press Center