On June 1, on International Children’s Day, Clinical TB Hospital №4 hosted the Regional Scientific Conference «Burning Issues of Tuberculosis and HIV Infection in Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults».
The event was organized by OSMU, the Ministry of Public Health of the Omsk Region, the Omsk Branch of the National Association of Phthisiatricians, Clinical TB Hospital №4, Omsk Society of the Specialists in Infectious Diseases, Omsk Center for AIDS and Infectious Diseases Prevention and Control.
In her welcoming speech, Prof. A. V. MORDYK, MD, PhD, Head of the Department of Phthisiology, Phthisiosurgery and Infectious Diseases, Chairperson of the Conference Program Committee, noted the relevance of the Conference's main topics and told about the recent scientific successes of OSMU students. She also pointed out that children are the main priority of healthcare.
- The Conference provides a platform for discussion and exchange of experience, it unites science and practice, - has said S. A. RUDENKO, MD, PhD, Chief Doctor of the Clinical TB Hospital №4.
The Conference gathered pediatricians, pulmonologists, infectious diseases specialists, radiologists, and general practitioners from Omsk and the Omsk Region.
E. A. ALLE, infectious diseases doctor, pediatrician at the Omsk Center for AIDS and Infectious Diseases, has opened the Conference with his report entitled «Epidemiology of HIV among children and adolescents in the Omsk Region».
N. V. OVSYANNIKOV, MD, PhD, Head of the Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases, presented his report on respiratory diseases in patients with HIV infection.
A. V. MORDYK presented several reports, including her recent review of clinical guidelines on tuberculosis in children and adults, and clinical case reports with critical analysis. The second report was devoted to issues of combination chemotherapy for tuberculosis treatment.
Yu. T. IGNATIEV, MD, PhD, Prof. of the Department of Radiodiagnostics, gave a lecture on modern radiological methods in the diagnosis of community-acquired pneumonia in children. Professor presented clinical cases and gave an analysis of the radiological semiotics.
E. V. NADEI, MD, PhD, Prof. Assoc. of the Department of Internal Medicine and Family Medicine (Postgraduate Course), presented an e-report entitled «Immunological fundamentals of skin tests with tuberculosis allergen and recombinant tuberculosis allergen».
In her report entitled «The issues of the lower respiratory tract infection and HIV infection comorbidity», E. A. BAIGOZINA, MD, PhD, Prof. of the Department of Internal Medicine (Advanced Course) and Endocrinology, reviewed actual guidelines, presented algorithms for choosing antimicrobial therapy in patients of different ages.
A. V. LYSOV, MD, PhD, Head of the Department of Phthisilogy, Phthisisurgery and Infectious Diseases, and Yu. M. MIRYUK, a bronchologist at the Children's Tuberculosis Clinical Hospital, presented a joint report «Bronchoscopy in diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis in children».
O. G. IVANOVA, MD, PhD, Prof. of the Department of Phthisilogy, Phthisisurgery and Infectious Diseases, told about the tuberculosis in HIV-positive young patients.
The Conference ended with a discourse. Discussions of reports and clinical cases help specialists stay updated on recent research in infectious diseases, and find the best solutions for the treatment, diagnosis, and prevention of tuberculosis.
OSMU Press Center