I sincerely congratulate the teaching staff, students, and graduates of Omsk State Medical University on its Centenary!
OSMU is the pride of our Region. Today it is in the Top 10 best Medical Universities in Russia, and its scientific schools are well known not only in our country but also abroad.
Time has proved that OSMU graduates are high-level professionals, who are always in demand in the regional healthcare system. Over the past hundred years, more than 50 thousand doctors have graduated from the University, and it is hard to imagine how many lives they have saved and how many people they have helped to restore their health.
I am sure that OSMU students will remain faithful to the traditions of loyal service to people and medicine.
I wish good health, professional, and life achievements to everyone whose fortune is connected with OSMU! And I wish nothing but prosperity and maintaining leading positions in national ratings to the University!
Alexander L. BURKOV,
Governor of the Omsk Region