On May 4-5, 2023, the Scientific Conference for students and young scientists with international participation «Problems and prospects for the development of modern medicine» took place in Gomel (Belarus).
Participants of the Conference had the opportunity to demonstrate the results of their research in various sections. Scientific work of Anastasia A. GUBICH, MD, PhD, Prof. Asst. of the Pediatrics (Advanced Course) Department of OSMU, called «Development of an algorithm for identifying premature babies at risk for damage of the central nervous system in the neonatal period», and prepared under the guidance of Prof. Elena B. PAVLINOVA, MD, PhD, Head of the Pediatrics (Advanced Course) Department, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, was awarded the 1st-place Diploma! We congratulate Anastasia A. GUBICH on a well-deserved award and wish her new scientific achievements!