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Congratulations on successful participation in the Olympiad!

https://omsk-osma.ru/news/pozdravlyaem-s-uspeshnym-vystupleniem-na-olimpiade-49 The annual traditional event "Week of Epidemiology" ended at ASMU
On the last day of the Week of Epidemiology at ASMU, the Department of Epidemiology, Microbiology and Virology summed up the results of the Interregional Online Olympiad on Especially Dangerous Infections among senior students of universities (faculties) of clinical medicine, pediatrics, public health and preventive medicine, dentistry, foreign students.
Students from higher medical educational institutions from 12 regions of the Russian Federation applied to participate in the Olympiad. A total of 208 applications were submitted. The Olympiad was held in 3 stages: testing, assessment of theoretical knowledge, and response to a situational task.
According to the results of the Olympiad, Anastasia BOROVIKOVA, a 6th-grade student of the Faculty of Preventive Medicine of OSMU, took the III honored place.
Congratulations to the winners of the Interregional Online Olympiad on Especially Dangerous Infections. Winners and participants will receive diplomas of winners and certificates of participants, as well as memorable prizes.
We thank all students and employees of higher medical educational institutions who took part in the Olympiad!
Altai State Medical University. Source: https://asmu.ru/novosti/index.php?NEWSGROUP=239&NEWS=63967