On December 7-9, 2022, a student from the OSMU Faculty of Pediatrics took part at the IX International Youth Medical Congress «Saint Petersburg Scientific Readings» hosted by Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University.
17 participants from many Russian Regions presented their work in the «Pediatrics» section. OSMU was represented by Kristina D. KUZMINA, a 6th-year student of the Faculty of Pediatrics.
Her study of the early neonatal period in newborns from COVID-infected mothers, supervised by Prof. Assoc. Tatiana N. BELKOVA, MD, PhD, Department of Pediatrics (Postgraduate Course), deserved a 3rd degree Diploma.
The winner expresses her deepest gratitude to her scientific supervisor, Prof. Assoc. Tatiana P. KHRAMYKH, Head of the Scientific Society for Students and Young Researchers, staff of the Department of Pediatrics (Postgraduate Course) and Prof. Elena B. PAVLINOVA, MD, PhD, Head of the Department of Pediatrics (Postgraduate Course).
We congratulate a participant on a successful performance and wish further scientific achievements!
OSMU Press Center