On October 28, the Final Stage of the II Interregional Olympiad with International Participation «Master of Pediatrics» took place at Kuban State Medical University. The competition gathered 21 teams from a total of 16 Russian cities and a team from Avicenna Tajik State Medical University (Tajikistan). Our University was represented by «NatusNeonatutus» team, including Elizaveta A. DUBROVINA, Kristina V. POPOVSKAYA, Tatiana S. ZYABKINA, Inna A. ATANOVA, Polina A. SHTOL, 6th-year students of the OSMU Faculty of Pediatrics, supervised by I. A. KIRSHINA, Prof. Assoc. of the Department of Pediatrics (Postgraduate Course).
The Olympiad consisted of 2 stages. The first stage included a 90–minute online-testing on the burning issues of pediatrics. The second stage included 8 parts: video-resume, «Medical riddle» video contest, five-level quiz, test, solving of emergency cases, modeling of professional communication between a doctor and a patient, performing pediatric examination and making diagnosis, conducting virtual appointment.
OSMU team became the best at the five-level quiz and took the 6th place in an overall standings! We wish the team further victories!
OSMU Press Center