Currently, Russian Universities including OSMU pay much attention to the development of student science as a basis for training their own scientific and teaching staff. At the end of the 1920s, the Student Scientific Society was established in our University, including three sections: Neurology, Internal Medicine, and Surgery. A lot has changed since then, but the tradition of developing students’ science has even strengthened. There is the Scientific Society for Students and Young Researchers (SSSYR) in OSMU and every student starting from the first year of study can take part in the events carried out by SSSYR. Moreover, each Department has its own Students’ Scientific Society, which helps students to develop not only scientific skills but the love for their future profession.
The research activity of the academic and teaching staff of our University for the near future is determined. At the end of 2020, four topics of the state assignment were approved, the research teams have been formed, research reagents are purchased, and the preparatory stages of research are carried out.
Applications for Russian Science Foundation’ and Russian Foundation for Basic Research' grants are actively being prepared now. OSMU forms teams of specialists, which will take part in the EU Grant Competition «Erasmus+» in February. Previously our University won two large TEMPUS grants.
The University forms and expands international relations: together with the University of Luxembourg and Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine, OSMU Department of Neurology (Postgraduate Course) performed research in one of the topical issues in medicine – Parkinson’s disease.
Impressive results of joint work have ensured continued cooperation for five more years. OSMU offered Luxembourg colleagues to expand the topics of joint research, and collaborative work on the issue of chronic pain have already begun. Moreover, the Department of Pediatrics together with the colleagues from Ruhr University Bochum applied for a grant supported by the German Federal Foreign Office and the Russian Foundation for Basic Research.
- For all of us, professors and teachers, students, and PhD students, the Day of Russian Science is a professional holiday! – says Prof. Andrey V. PISKLAKOV, Vice-Rector for Research. - In one way or another, we all are involved in scientific activities: we do research, participate in various events, defend PhD theses, win grants, and implement our developments in the educational process. Therefore, I wish you to advance your achievements in science! I also wish you good health, an inspiration for further research, and never rest on your laurels!
OSMU Press-Center