September 15, 2023, is the 101st anniversary of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of the Russian Federation. We congratulate the staff of the Federal Service, who vowed themselves to serving the noblest, most humane, difficult, but extremely important and necessary profession - protecting people's health.
The Faculty of Preventive Medicine of OSMU has been training specialists for federal preventive services for many years. Today, preventive medicine is the most relevant specialty which focuses on not just curing the disease but preventing it. Preventive medicine studies the influence of various factors and environmental conditions on public health. Its main task is to create safe conditions of living, professional and educational activities to preserve public health, which means providing primary prevention by the graduates of the Preventive Medicine Faculty. The main method of work is activities to prevent, detect, and restraint violations of legislation in the field of health protection.
On this day we wish you good health, inexhaustible energy, success in fulfilling the tasks confronting the service, optimism and confidence in the future!