On October 18-20, 2023, the final stage of the VI Science and Technology Conference «Gazpromneft - Lubricants», where students and specialists presented their innovative solutions in different areas, took place in Moscow. OSMU was represented by Natalia V. SEMENOVA, MD, PhD, Assoc. Prof. of the Extreme and Evidence Based Medicine Department, Deputy Head of the Scientific Society of Students and Young Researchers for Youth Innovation Policy, and Elena A. LOGINOVA, 6th-year student of the Faculty of General Medicine.
The Conference carried out for three days. On the first day, the participants of the Conference presented their developments to the professional mentors and received recommendations on how to introduce the project to the best advantage. On the second day, the participants were divided into six groups to take part in the city quiz and perform team-building and intellectual tasks. The «Etalon» team, which included Natalia V. SEMENOVA, took the first place based on the results of all competitions.
October 23 was dedicated to the projects defense. Elena LOGINOVA presented her project «Gamifier "First Aid"» and prototypes of this product. She competed with the representatives of universities from different cities of Russia, and based on the results of the Conference, Elena LOGINOVA got the 3rd degree Diploma in the student section. The project will help to solidify first aid knowledge and skills to employees at work. The scientific supervisor of the project was Natalia V. SEMENOVA.
Congratulations to the winners!