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Congratulations on the Successful Performance at the Olympiad!

In March and April, 2023, Disaster Medicine Department of Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, headed by Prof. Igor P. LEVCHUK, MD, PhD, held the regular National (International) Scientific Olympiad on Disaster Medicine for students and young scientists.
The Olympiad was dedicated to the most relevant areas included in the disciplines "Health and Safety, Disaster Medicine", "Emergency Medicine", including technologies for the prevention and management of natural and man-caused emergencies. Within the framework of the Olympiad, theoretical and practical competitions were organized.
Daria RAKHMANOVA, 3rd-year student of the Pharmacy Faculty of OSMU, was awarded the 3rd-place Diploma for the theoretical competition (academic advisor - Natalia V. SEMENOVA, MD, PhD. Prof. Assoc. of the Health and Safety, Disaster Medicine Department of OSMU).
We congratulate the winner and wish her further success!
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