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Congratulations on the Successful Performance at the Olympiad!

In April 2024, the National (International) Scientific Olympiad for Students and Young Scientists took place in the Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University (Moscow) and was organized by its Department of Disaster Medicine under the leadership of Prof. I.P. LEVCHUK, MD, PhD.
The Olympiad was dedicated to the most relevant areas of the disciplines «Life Safety, Disaster Medicine», «Life Safety», «Emergency Medicine». 
Ilya ZHUKOV and Sofia KOVALCHUK, 6th-year students of the Faculty of General Medicine, were awarded the 3rd place Diploma in the nomination «Best Scientific Thesis» in Disaster Medicine. Scientific supervisor – Natalia V. SEMENOVA, MD, PhD, Assoc. Prof. of the Extreme and Evidence Based Medicine Department of OSMU.
Our congratulations to the winners!