On October 3-15, the VI Far Eastern Medical Youth Forum with international participation took place in Khabarovsk in the mixed format. OSMU was represented by Kristina D. KUZMINA, 6th-year student of the Faculty of Pediatrics.
The forum program included works of young researchers on biomedical topics, including fundamental medicine, public health, surgery, pediatrics, and reproductive health. The section «Pediatrics and childhood infections» included 25 reports from the participants from different regions of Russia and neighboring countries, including Siberia, the Far East, the Lugansk People's Republic, and the Republic of Belarus. The study by Kristina KUZMINA «Early and late complications in hemolytic disease of the newborn», performed under the supervision of Tatiana N. BELCOVA, MD, PhD, Prof. Assoc. of the Pediatrics (Advanced Course) Department, was awarded the 1st-place diploma for its high practical significance.
«The studied problem is important for the correction of anemic syndrome in newborns, especially in small-for-date premature babies with hemolytic disease. It is very honorable for me to present the results of scientific work carried out under the supervision of the staff of the Pediatrics (Advanced Course) Department at such a serious medical forum. I would like to express special gratitude to the supervisor for the design of the study and the opportunity to complete the study» - said Kristina KUZMINA.