The international e-Olympiad for medical students «Samarkand-2020» was held at the Samarkand State Medical Institute (Uzbekistan) under the leadership of the Rector of SSMI, Prof. Zhasur A. RIZAEV, on December 11-12, 2020. The beginning of the Olympiad was marked by the welcome speeches of the First Deputy Minister of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Amirillo Sh. INOYATOV, Director of the University of Tokyo Central Hospital, Junichi SAKAMOTO, and also Rectors of Tashkent, Nizhny Novgorod, Volgograd, Ternopil, Almaty, Dushanbe, Izhevsk, Cheboksary, Bukhara, Warsaw, Vinnitsa, and Moscow Medical Universities.
The Olympiad included the following competition stages: greetings of the teams, the creative contest, the presentation of scientific and innovative projects of young researchers, and the competition on Fundamental Sciences in 35 directions. Students of Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Moldova, Tajikistan, Russia, Kyrgyzstan, and other counties have demonstrated their public speaking skills, a high level of scientific research, and worthy clinical training.
Over two thousand applications from 30 universities around the world were submitted to the Olympiad. OSMU was represented by Evgeniy KHOROLSKII, a 5th-year student of the Faculty of Dentistry, the academic advisor: Prof. Larisa M. LOMIASHVILI, a Head of the Department of Preventive Dentistry. Evgeniy KHOROLSKII has been considered as an absolute winner in the section «Preventive Dentistry» and, moreover, he has been awarded the 2nd prize in the section «The Best Scientific and Innovative Project of Young Researchers». Evgeniy demonstrated the project entitled: «Photography Algorithm in Teeth Modeling» and «Dental Restoration using Mapping Technologies».
The scientific forum was held under the slogan "Medicine without Borders". We thank the administration of Omsk State Medical University and Samarkand State Medical Institute for the joint work, joy of communication, friendship, and nobility!
Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry