On December 11, 2024, online ProOrgZdrav 4.0 Olympiad, dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the birth of Academician N.A. SEMASHKO, was held at the KemSMU. Eight teams from medical universities of Donetsk, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Chita, Astrakhan, Omsk, and Kemerovo and from Semey (Republic of Kazakhstan) took part in the Olympiad. The aim of the event was popularization of interest in the history of medicine, preventive medicine, the role of Academician N.A. Semashko in the development of healthcare, as well as stimulating cognitive activity in such currently relevant areas as digitalization of healthcare and lean healthcare.
The team of our university “Green Ties” was represented by students of the Faculties of Preventive Medicine and Pediatrics: Alfiya Ye. KALIMOVA , Vlada I. BANNOVA, Margarita S. POLNOMOSHNOVA, Yulia I. PYNZESKU, Saltanat B. KARIMOVA; team captain - Artem E. KRUGLOV .
The students took part in 5 competitions:
- creative competition - preparation and presentation of a video about the legacy of academician N.A. SEMASHKO;
- basics of lean technologies - situation analysis;
- test on end-to-end information technologies;
- solving case tasks and puzzles on public health and healthcare;
- solving interactive cases on preventive medicine.
Based on the results of the completed tasks, the OSMU team "Green Ties" took an honorable 3rd place.
The team expresses gratitude to their scientific supervisors (A.O. Leonteva ,I.V. Leonov ), as well as to the teachers who participated in the preparation for the Olympiad (Z.B. Tasova , A.I. Blokh ) for preparing for the Olympiad.
We congratulate the team on their victory and wish them further creative success!
OSMU Press Center