For the centenary of OSMU, teaching staff and employees of the University have been granted with different federal and regional awards for many years of irreproachable work in the healthcare system and high professionalism.
The most distinguished employees who made a significant contribution to the development of the University were awarded with Medals for Service to Omsk State Medical University.
Ivan A. ONUFRIEV, Vice-Rector for Security, Technical Support, Maintenance and Repair of the University facilities, was awarded with the Letter of Gratitude from the Governor of the Omsk Region.
Vera V. MUGAK. Prof. Assoc. of the Department of Chemistry, has been granted with the Diploma from the Administration of the city of Omsk for many years of excellent work, professional achievements, and in connection with the celebration of Chemist's Day.
A number of teaching staff have been granted with Letters of Gratitude from the Mayor of the city of Omsk.
For outstanding achievements in the Regional Contest "Best Employer of the Year", OSMU has received two awards from the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Omsk Region: the third place Diploma and the Letter of Gratitude for active participation in the Contest.
OSMU Press Center