The VI National Meeting of the Departments of Public Health and Healthcare Management, organized by order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation by Scientific Center for training and continuing professional development of healthcare management professionals, supported by International Medical Cluster Foundation, took place in Moscow on November 11 and 12, 2021.
In the framework of this Meeting, the Poster Competition «Best teaching practice: the use of interactive educational technologies at the Public Health and Healthcare Management Department» was held. OSMU was represented by the staff of the Public Health and Healthcare Management Department: Prof. Assoc. Oksana A. PASECHNIK, MD, PhD, Head of the Department, Prof. Assoc. Irina P. BURASHNIKOVA, MD, PhD, and Prof. Asst. Natalia G. ANPILOVA, MD, PhD. Based on the results of the competition, their poster presentation «Using interactive technology Web-Quest in the training of masters of public health in the course "Medical demography"» won 3rd place.
We congratulate the winners and wish them further creative success!