At the beginning of December 2021, the Orthopedic Dentistry Department of OSMU, represented by Prof. Andrey A. STAFEEV, MD, PhD, Prof. Asst. Alexander V. KHIZHUK, MD, and Prof. Asst. Pavel O. PETROV, MD, together with the Orthopedic Dentistry Department of RUDN, headed by Prof. Igor Yu. LEBEDENKO, MD, PhD, organized and held the III International e-Olympiad on Digital Orthopedic Dentistry dedicated to the memory of Prof. Veniamin Yu. KURLYANDSKII.
A total of more than 30 teams from many Russian cities were set to take part in the competition. Dentistry students had to recreate a 3D model of a patient and make a diagnosis, and residency students had to think of possible stages of orthopedic treatment and rehabilitation.
OSMU was represented by two teams: the first one included residency students (Ekaterina KORNEEVA and Daria NIKOLENKO) and the second one – 5th-year students of the Dentistry Faculty (Nikita SEROV and Alina SHREIDER).
The Jury Panel included the leading specialists in the field of dentistry: Prof. Andrey A. STAFEEV, MD, PhD (Omsk), Prof. Igor Yu. LEBEDENKO, MD, PhD (Moscow), Prof. Alexander N. RYAKHOVSKII, MD, PhD (Moscow), President of the Digital Dental Association Sergey V. APRESYAN, MD, PhD (Moscow), Prof. Yurii Yu. PERVOV, MD, PhD (Vladivostok), and Prof. Rinat A. SALEEV, MD, PhD (Kazan).
Based on the results of the Olympiad, both OSMU teams became the overall winners.
Our congratulations to the winners (Ekaterina KORNEEVA, Daria NIKOLENKO, Nikita SEROV, and Alina SHREIDER) and their academic supervisors (Prof. Andrey A. STAFEEV, Prof. Asst. Alexander V. KHIZHUK, MD, and Prof. Asst. Pavel O. PETROV)!