In March-April, 2021, the 8th National (2nd International) Scientific Olympiad on Disaster Medicine for Students and Young Scientists took place at the Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University (Moscow). The Olympiad was held online and included two stages: a test and clinical cases.
OSMU team was represented by the 6th-year students of the Faculty of General Medicine: Kristina KASHEVA, Anastasia POKHILENKO, and Viktoria YAROSH, who have been trained by Natalia V. SEMENOVA, MD, PhD, Prof. Assoc. of the Department of Health and Safety, Disaster Medicine.
About 100 teams from Russian Medical Universities participated in the competition. OSMU students have become winners of the 8th National (2nd International) Scientific Olympiad on Disaster Medicine for Students and Young Scientists. Our cordial congratulations to the winners!
OSMU Press Center