On May 19, 2023, the XI Russian National Student Olympiad in Epidemiology was held at Sechenov University. This year the Olympiad was dedicated to the epidemiology and prevention of sexually transmitted infections.
A record number of participants was registered - teams from 24 educational institutions took part in the Olympiad. OSMU was represented by the students of the Faculty of Preventive Medicine (Valeria PLAKSENKO, Mikhail RACHENKO, Milena BELOZEROVA) and the Faculty of General Medicine (Ekaterina GULIDA and Anastasia TERESHCHENKO). The team performed under the guidance of Elena A. WILMS, MD, PhD, Associate Professor of the Epidemiology Department.
The competition consisted of three parts: a theoretical task, fact-checking, and a creative task (making a short video).
According to the results of all competitions of the Olympiad, the OSMU team was awarded a Diploma of the II degree. Congratulations to the students, we wish you further success!
The team thanks the following teachers for their help in preparing for the Olympiad: Svetlana Z. TUMORINA, MD, PhD, Associate Professor of the Epidemiology Department, Prof. Assoc. Oksana A. PASECHNIK, MD, PhD, Head of the Public Health and Healthcare Management Department, Prof. Assoc. Yury A. NOVIKOV, MD, PhD, Head of the Dermatovenereology and Cosmetology Department and expresses sincere gratitude to Prof. Vladimir L. STASENKO, MD, PhD, Dean of the Faculty of Preventive Medicine and the administration of the University for the opportunity to take part in the event!
OSMU Press Center