Cooperation of the Orthopedic Dentistry Departments of OSMU and RUDN University
In June 2021, at the invitation of the RUDN University Administration and Prof. Igor Yu. LEBEDENKO, Head of the Orthopedic Dentistry Department of RUDN University (Moscow), Prof. Andrey A. STAFEEV, Head of the Orthopedic Dentistry Department of OSMU, held the interactive workshops for residents. These workshops were dedicated to the most burning issues in the gnathological aberrations diagnosis and the use of clinical guidelines by the example of litigation in dentistry. Such activities, together with joint teleconferences and Olympiads in digital dentistry, make a significant contribution to the development of dental education both in the departments of medical universities and the country. Based on the results of extensive two-year cooperation of the Orthopedic Dentistry Departments of OSMU and RUDN University, Alexey Yu. ABRAMOV, Director of the RUDN Medical Institute, sent a letter of gratitude to the Rector of OSMU.
Our congratulations to Prof. Andrey A. STAFEEV and the staff of the Orthopedic Dentistry Department on this significant event!
On May 28, 2021, the 12 Scientific Conference of Young Scientists «Dentistry: Science and Practice» was held at the Central Research Institute of Dental and Maxillofacial Surgery (Moscow). Out of 60 submitted reports, only 20 were admitted to the final stage of the Conference, including two works of Pavel O. PETROV and Sergey I. SOLOVYOV, Professor Assistants of the Orthopedic Dentistry Department of OSMU. Their reports covered the most burning issues, including the neuromuscular concept of the craniomandibular system disorders development. Sergey I. SOLOVYOV was awarded 1st place Diploma for her research entitled «Studying the typical motor patterns of the craniocervical junction in people with malocclusion». The report of Pavel O. PETROV took 4th place. Both works were performed under the supervision of Prof. Andrey A. STAFEEV.
Our congratulations to the staff of the Orthopedic Dentistry Department on the successful performance at the Conference!