On 2-5 September, 2019, the delegation from Ruhr University Bochum, Germany, made an official visit to Omsk State Medical University. The delegation was headed by Prof. Torsten Shefer, Dean of the Medical Faculty. The purpose of the visit was to define the directions of further collaboration involving clinical departments.
The collaboration with the Medical Faculty of Ruhr University Bochum began with the implementation of the TEMPUS–IV Project “The Life-Long Training System for Lecturers of Medical Universities” and the German colleagues established themselves as leaders.
At first the delegation visited Omsk Regional Clinical Children’s Hospital where the Head Physician Oleg GORBUNOV spoke about the hospital, its organizational aspects, specialized medical aid, and the staff of highly experienced doctors.
Acquaintance with the hospital continued at the Department of Pediatric Surgery where Prof. Andrey PISKLAKOV gave information about the provision of surgical care to children and adolescents. Apart from, he told about the specific and unique character of work at the Center for Pelvic Organs Pathology. The delegation visited surgery and intensive care unit.
At the Department of Hospital Pediatrics headed by Prof. Assoc. Elena PAVLINOVA the Prof. Assistant Irina KIRSHINA presented the report on the Center for Cystic Fibrosis. The German colleagues were favourably impressed by the quality of pediatrics specialists’ training.
At the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology №2 Prof. Sergey BARINOV spoke about fields of research and showed some articles and tutorials which are considered to be the splendid result of activity of the international team of experts.
During their short visit the German colleagues got the chance to familiarize with OSMU Skills Center headed by Pavel CHUMAKOV and expressed their desire to carry out the collaborative work of these divisions and said that they are ready to share experience in this field.
At the end of the visit there was the meeting with OSMU Rector Maria LIVZAN. During the meeting both parties expressed their genuine desire to develop the mutual cooperation.