Scientific-Practical Conference “Burning Issues of Rheumatology” was held on the 20th of June, 2019 in Omsk Regional Clinical Hospital. Omsk doctors discussed crucial issues of rheumatologic diseases with their colleagues from Moscow, Novosibirsk, and Irkutsk.
Prof. Valery SOVALKIN, Head of the Department of Hospital Therapy and Endocrinology, had the honour to open the conference. He expressed his gratitude to all experts for attending the conference and noted that rheumatology is the most important branch of medicine dealing with rather serious diseases which are difficult to be diagnosed and treated.
Within the conference over 20 reports were presented. Lecturers spoke about adolescent arthritis, infection-related rheumatologic syndrome, rheumatologic diseases and pregnancy, modern approaches to the management of pain syndrome, and osteoarthritis treatment in patients with high cardiovascular risk.
Speakers also mentioned that diseases of musculoskeletal system are one of the reasons for the Russian population’s disability. To solve such kind of problems further researches have to be conducted in the sphere of rheumatology.