The XXVIII International Symposium-Exhibition “Modern Materials and Equipment, Technologies of Their Application in Dental Practice” has finished in Omsk. Its main objective is better professional training of dental specialists. The Symposium was attended by dentists from Omsk, Kirov, Moscow, Samara, Ekaterinburg, Perm, Minsk, and Riga.
Within the Symposium the Conference “Burning Issues of Dentistry” was held. One of its organizers was the Dentistry Faculty of the Omsk State Medical University.
The first day of the Symposium was devoted to various aspects of dental care, in particular, a primary prevention, algorithms for the treatment of periodontal diseases, cross-disciplinary approaches to oral rehabilitation of patients.
During the second day of the Symposium the key issues to be discussed were children’s dental health and current problems of orthodontics and maxillofacial surgery.