OSMU doctors and scientists took part in a two-day Scientific Conference «COVID-19: a year of work during the pandemic. Experience of organizing medical activities.» holding in Krasnoyarsk on May 17-18. This Conference was initiated by the Federal Medical-Biological Agency (FMBA) of Russia with the support of OSMU, and it attracted representatives from all the FMBA subordinate institutions.
Tatiana V. YAKOVLEVA, First Deputy Head of FMBA, opened the Conference with a welcome speech. She mentioned the significant contribution of the Siberian Federal District in the fight against coronavirus infection. Moreover, Tatiana YAKOVLEVA said that COVID-19 revealed several problems in healthcare, including the lack of infectious disease doctors and knowledge of the epidemiology and diagnosis of infectious diseases among primary care specialists. She also expressed to participants her wish for adopting a resolution with specific recommendations addressed to the Ministry of Health of Russia, which would help to deal with the spread of epidemic processes.
But at the same time, billions of rubles were spent on repairing infectious diseases wards constructing new modular infectious diseases hospital buildings. Furthermore, the Academy of Postgraduate Education established the Department of Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases, a quantum leap in telemedicine occurred, and a wide range of new generation vaccines and drugs was created. From the new academic year, programs for professional retraining for infectious disease doctors will begin within each medical institution of the FMBA of Russia.
Maria A. LIVZAN, Rector of OSMU, dedicated her report to the interaction between the University and FMBA and different projects implemented in OSMU in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. She touched upon the key areas of cooperation with FMBA, which includes the creation of the permanent working group for prompt coordination of joint actions on the basis of the OSMU Project Office; development and implementation of collaborative research projects in priority areas of FMBA; assistance in forming an effective employee pool in FMBA medical organizations. As for implemented projects («University-Region», «Tochny Start» (meaning «Precise Start»), and «Village Doctor»), they were aimed at assisting Omsk healthcare and resolving staffing issues in the Omsk Region and included social volunteering, training in the OSMU skills center, and training and consulting doctors on COVID-19 issues.
Besides Maria A. LIVZAN, OSMU was represented by Nikolai A. NIKOLAEV, Vice-Rector for Medical Activities and Regional Public Health Issues, Professor of the Department of Internal Diseases (Intermediate Level) and Gastroenterology, Head of the OSMU Project Office, and Professor Vladimir L. STASENKO, Head of the Department of Epidemiology.
The experts shared their experience in terms of adherence to treatment in clinical practice and the features of epidemic processes and the prevention of new coronavirus infection.
The Scientific Conference includes more than ten reports and will last two days.
OSMU Press Center