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First Again!

On February 5-6, 2024, the VII National Practical Skills Competition «Neotlozhka» («First Aid») was held. OSMU was represented by the «Siberian help» team: team captain Elena KRESTNIKOVA, Daria IGNATCHIK, Svetlana KARASKO, Leonid GURKIN, Valeria SHILAEVA, and Nikolay TERESHCHENKO, supervised by Sergey V. CHERNENKO, MD, PhD. Head of the General Surgery Department.
On the first day, the team showed their knowledge and ingenuity during the theoretical stage. On the second day, our students underwent the practical stage, which included saving the injured from a burning store, delivering a baby, treating drug overdose a child, and providing medical assistance to the road traffic victims.
Based on the results of the competition, «Siberian help» team took the first place.
The team expresses its deep gratitude to the organizers of the competition and the OSMU administration for their invaluable support!