Omsk State Medical University, Western-Siberian Center of FMBA of Russia and Omsk State Agrarian University have jointly founded the first scientific training center for Endoscopic Surgery Wetlab in Omsk.
The opening of a specialized training center for manual surgery skills on large biological objects was held on December 21st in the Institute of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology of Omsk SAU. The implementation of the joint project was preceded by several months of preparatory work.
The opening ceremony was attended by Interim Rector of OSMU, Prof. Vitaly A. Okhlopkov, Director of the Western-Siberian Center of FMBA of Russia, Prof. Vladimir Y, Shutov, Rector of Omsk SAU, Prof. Oksana V. Shumakova.
- We pay special attention to the development of not only fundamental fields, but also clinical medicine, practical training of doctors. In today's Wetlab Training Center, surgeons will be able to polish up their professional skills, the foundations of which were laid in the simulation center, - V.A. Okhlopkov said.
In modern medical education there are three levels of training. At the first level students get theoretical knowledge; on the second level they solidify them in the simulation center on models, simulators, phantoms and trainers. The trend of recent years is to strengthen the second level of training, honing practical skills in animals in operating training rooms, and at the third level residents and young doctors continue to improve their skills by working with patients in clinics.
- The simulation room plus live surgery allow testing the educational level of doctors. It will be easier for tutors to assess the readiness of their students to work independently in the operating room, "V.A. Okhlopkov emphasized.
As part of the opening in the Wetlab Center there was a demonstration operation, which was jointly conducted by surgeons of OSMU and Western-Siberian Center of FMBA of Russia. It's not a secret that the anatomy of a pig is almost identical to human anatomy, so a surgeon can hone any technology and technique of a surgery, and also eliminate those complications that doctors often face in practice.
The operation is broadcast live to the classroom. Students and residents can hear the surgeons' comments during the operation, observe the manipulations, and ask questions that they can be answered in real time from the operation room.
Thus, Omsk State Medical University has joined the leading universities in Russia, where a multi-disciplinary educational platform in the Wetlab format operates. The first similar training operating theater was opened in 2013 in I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University.