From 20 to 22 April, 2018 the XXV Russian scientific student conference “Burning Issues of Pediatric Surgery, Anesthesiology and Intensive Care” was held by the Department of Pediatric Surgery and Urology-Andrology at I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University.

The history of the conference began in 1957, when the First student conference took place on the initiative of the student society monitor Leonid ROSHAL and under the guidance of the founder of Pediatric Surgery in the country Prof. Dmitry TERNOVSKY. Since then, every year students of Pediatric Surgery scientific societies and their teachers gather in different cities of the country.
Two hundred participants took part in the conference’s twenty sessions. The participants were welcomed by Minister of Public Health Veronika SKVORTSOVA.
Our University was represented by seven students of the Student’s Scientific Society at the Department of Pediatric Surgery, headed by Prof. Andrey PISKLAKOV: Sergey Zyusko, Denis Smolin, Irina Chuyan (6th year), Artyom Dunkurs (5th year), Liya Dits, Yana Sokolovskaya (2nd year), Evelina Shesler (1st year).

All the students brilliantly presented their reports and won five diplomas for the University: first place diploma - Sergey Zyusko, second place diploma – Liya Dits, third place diploma – Artyom Dunkurs, third place diploma – Yana Sokolovskaya. The other third place diploma was conferred on Evelina Shesler, who became the first youngest winner of the conference. At the end of the conference the Students’ Scientific Society at the Department of Pediatric Surgery was traditionally awarded the first place diploma.
I would like to express my grateful acknowledgements to the Research Department of our University: Vice-Rector for Research, MD, PhD Maria LIVZAN and Head of the Scientific Society of Young Scientists and Students, Prof. Assoc. Anastasia NELIDOVA for the chance to take part in the prestigious forum of student science and for belief in young people to defend the University’s honour in an uncompromising struggle.
OSMU delegates with Prof. Dmitry MOROZOV, Head of Pediatric Surgery and Urology-Andrology Department at Sechenov University.
Head of Pediatric Surgery Department