On September 21-22, 2019, A.I. Yevdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry hosted the VII Russian and European Pediatric Dentistry Congress (REPDC). The Congress was devoted to the pediatric dental care development.
This year the key speakers represented such countries as Great Britain, Canada, India, Iran, Israel, and Russia. The issues discussed during the Congress were as follows: hypnotic anesthesia, modern methods of root canal therapy and dental caries in children, treatment of tooth injuries, etc.
Within the framework of the Congress the Competition of Poster Presentations “Pediatric Dentistry as Viewed by Young People” was held where young scientists and students from Russia and CIS countries took part.
Taisiya BURNASHOVA, a postgraduate student of OSMU Pediatric Dentistry Department, has become the winner of such respected international competition. The research supervisor is Prof. Assoc. Galina SKRIPKINA, Head of the Pediatric Dentistry Department. It’s worth noting that she was a special guest and moderator of the Congress.