III International Winter Medical School
Winter Medical School will accept students from eight countries
International Winter Medical School “Reproductive Health of Adolescents”
From January 29th till February 9th students from eight countries will study aspects of Reproductive Health in Omsk.
International Winter Medical School “Reproductive Health of Adolescents” is held under the auspices of the Ministry of Public Health of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Public Health of Omsk Region and Omsk State Medical University. It will be the third Winter School. This time its format has been expanded: if in the first two Schools our guests were students of the Ruhr University Bochum, but in 2018 it has acquired a truly international dimension. Now the University will welcome students from Japan, France, Germany, Croatia, Slovakia, Ukraine and Russia.
«Objective of the School is to gain knowledge in respect to the contemporary issues of pediatric andrology and gynecology, clinical features of the surgical and venereal diseases of the reproductive system in boys and girls including principles for diagnosis, treatment and preventive measures of these diseases in age of adolescence”, comments Vitaly OKHLOPKOV, OSMU Interim Rector, MD, PhD, Professor and Head of Dermatology, Venereology and Cosmetology Department.
The students will attend a course of lectures on the issues of child gynecology and andrology based on medical institutions of Omsk, practical sessions are to be held. The training is conducted using advanced techniques for treatment and diagnostics. The lecturers of Winter School are Prof. Vitaly OKHLOPKOV, Prof. Andrey PISKLAKOV, Prof. Sergey BARINOV, Associate Professor Inna SHAMINA and others.
III International Winter Medical School has opened

January 29 is the opening date of the long-waited Winter Medical School "Reproductive Health of Adolescents" which has been held in the Omsk Pediatric Clinical Hospital. The participants of the Winter School are students from 8 countries: Japan, Germany, Israel, Croatia, Ukraine, France, Slovakia and Russia. Kosuke Tsumuraya from Japan and Steve Leopold from France have already been familiar with the city of Omsk by experience of participating in IFMSA exchange programs and re-profits for gaining knowledge in new areas of medicine.
From January 29 to February 9 the participants will study the most relevant issues of child and adolescent reproductive medicine, andrology and gynecology. They will attend a course of lectures from the leading specialists of the Departments of Pediatric Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynecology #2, Dermatology and Venereology, observe interesting clinical cases and witness unique operations, including gender correction. 37 volunteers among students of OSMU will help with translations and organization of comfortable stay of guests.

The opening speeches:
Professor Alexander NOVIKOV, President of OSMU, has greeted the participants and wished them good luck and fruitful work within very intensive two weeks.
Oleg GORBUNOV, Head Physician of the Omsk Pediatric Clinical Hospital: "We are glad to welcome you within the walls of our Hospital, and hope that this Winter School will help you not only to gain new knowledge useful for your future professional career, but also get many friends from different countries.
Yesterday, when you landed at Omsk Airport, you were our guests, but today, having crossed the threshold of the hospital and wearing white coats, you have become our colleagues."
Professor Andrey PISKLAKOV: "Our Winter School, which has been held for the third time, has become a visiting card of our university. This time its format has been expanded: if in the first two Schools our guests were students of the Ruhr University Bochum, but today it has acquired a truly international dimension. "
Winter Medical School has finished its work

The closing ceremony of Winter School was held on February 9 in OSMU conference hall.
During two weeks students studied under the best pediatric gynecologists and andrologists of Omsk, attended lectures and master classes, assisted in an operating room. During the closing ceremony Interim Rector, Professor Vitaly Okhlopkov noted that participants and their tutors had done serious and impressive work, “I would like to express gratitude to my colleagues, doctors, students, who used every effort to make your presence in Omsk comfortable and informative. I do hope that you have had enough time to make friends and besides your main training activity, you have had a great time both within the walls of OSMU and in our city.”
Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Public Health of Omsk Region Olga Bogdanova emphasized the unique character of the acquired knowledge, “Thank you very much for coming to Omsk, to Siberia, to Russia. I really hope that you do not regret coming here. I am sure that our specialists have demonstrated you a lot of genuine practices. Not all Russian cities and even other countries have those techniques of diagnostics and treatment that are used in Omsk. I am happy it is you who will start those generations of doctors who will not have any conventional spatial boundaries. Only working together, we can adopt the most efficient techniques in the field of child health from each other.”
III International Winter Medical School 2018 - acknowledgements!

The Third International Winter Medical School “Reproductive Health of Adolescents” 2018 which had lasted for two weeks finished.

As OSMU President, Professor A.I. NOVIKOV noted, “The School’s format has already become the University’s hallmark and the lecturers are a team of highly qualified professionals who have united to try solving one of the most serious problems of modern society”.
At the Closing Ceremony, words of gratitude were expressed; all the participants were awarded certificates; guests and hosts exchanged souvenirs and gifts, but I want to thank once again those who put their heart, soul and a lot of efforts into holding the School at a very high level.
And the first words of gratitude, of course, go to Interim Rector, Professor V.A. OKHLOPKOV, who not only has been supporting the School's idea for three years, but also is one of the keynote lecturers whose lectures always cause genuine interest and lots of questions.

Many thanks to the teaching staff: to Head of the Pediatric Surgery Department, Professor A.V. PISKLAKOV, who was the initiator of the School, to Assistant of the Pediatric Surgery Department N.I. PAVLENKO, to Head of the Obstetrics and Gynecology №2 Department, Professor S.V. BARINOV, Associate Professor I.V. SHAMINA and Assistant of the Department I.V. MEDYANNIKOVA, the contribution of every lecturer is unique.

I express the deepest gratitude to the chief doctors of the pediatric clinics, which were the venues of the School.
Special thanks are given to Head of the OSMU Garage A.E. KOZONOGOV and a driver V.V. MOREV for the smooth work of transport throughout the School's work, including weekends.
A special word of appreciation goes to Head of the Human Anatomy Department, Professor I.N. PUTALOVA who arranged a very interesting excursion in the OSMU anatomical museum.
Thanks to Assistant Professor of the Philosophy and Social Sciences & Humanities Department V.D. ZHIKHAREV for assisting in organizing a visit to Omsk Musical Theatre.
I would like to express the deepest and the most sincere acknowledgements to my colleague, specialist of the International Affairs Department E.G. NASTYCHENKO with whom we withstood this marathon.
And, of course, I give many thanks to our brilliant team of volunteers without whom the School would not have been held! You are the best ones and we greatly cherish you!
Head of the International Affairs Department