On March 20-21, 2024, the III Priirtyshsky Medical Forum with international participation was held in mixed format. The event was organized by the Ministry of Health of the Omsk Region, Omsk State Medical University, Omsk Regional Association of Doctors, and the Central State Medical Academy of the Administrative Directorate of the President of the Russian Federation.
The first day of the Forum included two sections: «Modern Aspects of Pediatrics and Neonatology» and «Public Health and Healthcare Management». The pediatric section started with the welcoming speech by Eleonora N. KROLEVETS, Deputy Minister of Health of the Omsk Region. The moderator of the section was Nikolai V. SOBOTYUK, MD, PhD, Prof. of the Pediatrics Department of OSMU. During this section, leading experts from medical universities in Moscow, Astana, Novosibirsk, Perm and Krasnoyarsk, and Omsk presented their reports. OSMU was represented by professors and associate professors of the following Departments: Pediatrics (Advanced Level), including Postgraduate Training Courses; Phthisiology, Phthisiosurgery and Infectious Diseases; Pediatric Infectious Diseases; Pediatrics; Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology, Epidemiology; Ophthalmology; and Otorhinolaryngology. The lecturers covered a wide variety of topics, including the following ones: personalized approach to nutrition for tender-age children born prematurely; antibiotic-induced gut dysbiosis in children; rare cases of endocrine pathology; heterotopic arrhythmias in children; ARVI; the use of modern probiotics in the pediatrics practice; treatment of runny nose in children; clinical and epidemiological aspects of pertussis at the present stage; treatment of conjunctivitis in children; and irrigation in the prevention and treatment of upper respiratory tract infections.
The «Public Health and Healthcare Management» Section was opened by Artem N. NARKEVICH, Minister of Health of the Omsk Region. The moderator of the section was Prof. Vladimir L. STASENKO, MD, PhD, Dean of the Preventive Medicine Faculty, Head of Department of Epidemiology. The lectures were delivered by the staff of OSMU Department of Epidemiology, Department of Public Health and Healthcare Management, Department of Pediatrics, Department of Occupational Health; Department of Forensic Medicine and Law; Alexander V. SABAEV, MD, PhD, Chief External Toxicologist of the Ministry of Health of the Omsk Region, Chief Toxicologist of the Siberian Federal District; Olga Yu. KORENNOVA, MD, PhD, Prof. of the Internal Medicine (Intermediate Level) and Gastroenterology Department, Chief External Cardiologist of the Ministry of Health of the Omsk Region; and speakers from the other cities of Russia. They told about the prevention of non-communicable diseases; epidemic as an organizational and legal problem; manifestations of cervical cancer incidence in the Omsk Region; aspects of monitoring and prevention of congenital malformations in children and fetuses in the Omsk Region; the current state of occupational pathology service in our region; criminal risks in the medical workers activities; modern aspects of drug-poisoning and psychodysleptics in our region; and regional experience in organizing clinical follow-up after cardiovascular events as a life-saving technology.
The second day of the Forum also included two sections. The first one was dedicated to the topical issues of diagnosis and treatment of internal diseases, the second one – to the neurology, rehabilitation, and health resort treatment.
The reports on the first section were presented by professors and associate professors of all three Departments of Internal Medicine of OSMU and the Department of Otorhinolaryngology. They touched upon the features of NAFLD and irritable bowel syndrome; statin-associated disorders of carbohydrate metabolism; possibilities of use and clinical effectiveness of spiramycin in the empirical treatment of lower respiratory tract infections in modern conditions; drug allergy in clinical practice; and age-related aspects of local treatment of otitis in adults and children.
During the work of the section on topical issues of neurology, rehabilitation, and health resort treatment, reports were made by researchers from Moscow, Novosibirsk, and Omsk. Scientists of OSMU Department of Medical Rehabilitation, including Postgraduate Training Courses and Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery, including Postgraduate Training Courses told about the influence of NAFLD on the stroke formation and rehabilitation tactics; innovative technologies of health resort treatment; modern possibilities for correcting non-motor symptoms of Parkinson's disease; and medical rehabilitation and prevention of primary headaches in school-age children.
On the conclusion of the Forum, we can confidently say that in terms of the number of reports presented, participants and listeners, the III Priirtyshsky Medical Forum with international participation has become a major and significant event for the entire medical community.
OSMU Press Center