Within the framework of International Ear Care Day, which is celebrated every year on March 3rd, we interviewed Prof. Yuriy A. KROTOV, MD, PhD, Head of the Otorhinolaryngology Department.
Who is at Risk for Hearing Loss?
Apparently, older people are at risk: 30% of patients over 65 years old have a presbycusis or age-related hearing loss. But hearing loss can be observed in patients aged 35-40 years old.
What are the causes of hearing loss and deafness?
Hearing loss can be caused by hereditary factors, complications during pregnancy (especially in its first half), and during delivery (asphyxia and trauma). The other reasons are infectious diseases (meningitis, rubella, and chlamydia), inflammatory diseases of ENT organs, ototoxic medicines, ear and head injuries, and excessive noise. According to the World Health Organization, 7 to 10% of people around the world suffer from the different forms of hearing loss.
Can headphones cause hearing damage?
It depends on what you listen to, if you are listening to audio-books, lectures or English lesson, it is no reasons to be worried about. But, if it is intense, heavy, and high-frequency music it will inevitably lead to hearing loss.
On what symptoms in hearing loss should we pay attention?
Hearing loss comes on gradually, and your relatives and colleagues may be the first to notice that your hearing is impaired. The first symptoms are:
- unintelligible speech of people around you, when you need to ask them to repeat what they said;
- amplify the sound from the television;
- difficulty to keep up the conversation in a noisy crew;
- hard to hear people at a distance.
Can your hearing be restored?
It depends on the type of disease and the degree of hearing loss. You need to visit a doctor as soon as possible. Sometimes hearing may be restored after medical treatment or after a simple removal of wax from the ear, but sometimes the surgical treatment is needed.
You have mentioned about ear waxes, how to care properly, and could we remove a wax by ourselves?
Otolaryngologists are strongly against using the cotton swabs, and they are commonly used to remove the ear waxes. But, our body is a complex system and there is nothing to be accidental. Cerumen protects the ear canal against various infectious agents. If you remove cerumen, a risk to get the inflammation process is rising. Therefore, it is better do not interfere in the natural process of cerumen release, and in case of the development of a wax, you should visit a doctor to remove it.
What to do in case of having a foreign body in the ear?
It often happens when children stuff the small objects into their ears, and sometimes it can be students using hidden earpieces. But you should not remove it by yourself, because it can lead to rupture of the eardrum.
How to prevent hearing loss?
You should avoid excessive exposure to noise; limit using headphones while listening to loud music, use earplugs in noisy rooms. It is also important to treat diseases of ENT organs timely. Ear hygiene is in cleaning the outside of your ears without using cotton swabs. Stay healthy and take care of yourself!