The Darkhan-Uul Medical School, MNUMS of Mongolia and Nursing Faculty of KhonKaen University of Thailand are pleased to announce an invitation for abstract submissions for the International Online Conference on Nursing in a Changing World, to be held on 12 May, 2022.
Abstract submission: 25th February, 2022
Deadline for submission: 29th April, 2022
Conference Date: 12 May, 2022 (10:00 am Ulaanbaatar Time GMT+8)
- Health organization development and innovation
- Nursing care and theory
- Nursing education and research
- Professional skills and comprehensive competencies of nurses
- Evidence-based nursing
- Quality of care, safety and accessibility
- Public health nursing
- Workplace development and experience for nurses
- Challenges and Solutions for Nursing during COVID-19
Please submit your abstract through ichs.darkhan@mnums.edu.mn
Please follow the format carefully for your abstract submission. The abstract which doesn’t meet the following requirements will be rejected. The conference will be held in English.
For more information, please visit www.mnums-da.edu.mn
The body of the abstract must include the following sections:
Background: Summarize the purpose, scope and objectives of the study.
Purpose: Indicate the aim of the study within 1 or 2 sentences.
Methods: Describe the methods that applied to measure your research results.
Results: A summary of the obtained results.
Conclusion: A statement of conclusions in your study. Do not simply state "The results will be discussed.
Abstract Size
The abstract size is limited to 350-500 words in the abstract body. Please do not include table or graphic.
Use abbreviations in parentheses after the full word the first time it appears. Use no more than three nonstandard abbreviations.
Key words
Up to five key words should be identified and placed below the abstract. Author Disclosure, Author disclosure of potential conflicts with a commercial interest, and all authors, must be disclosed.
TYPES OF PRESENTATION: Based on the significance and scientific of the abstract, the organizing committee reserves the right to choose the following types of abstracts:
Oral presentation- The speaker will present the study within an estimated time limit of overall 15 minutes (10 min presentation + 5 min for Question and Answer) at an allocated time slot which speaker will be notified of at a later date
E-poster- Limited number of submitted abstracts will be considered for presentation as digital posters (e-posters), to be displayed both in an online forum and onsite during the conference.
1. All presentations should be presented in English, landscape orientation in PPT and saved in PDF format (not protected).
2. Presentation dimensions – In PowerPoint, go to Design →Choose Slides Sized for → On screen show 16:9 (should be approximately width: 25.4 cm and 14.29 cm)
3. Title is to be printed at the top of the poster. (BOLD CAPITAL letters, Font: Arial, Size 24)
4. Name(s), department(s), institution(s), and country of author(s) should be stated clearly, directly below the title. Provide the surname(s) of the author(s) followed by initials the name of the presenting author in bold (Font: Arial, Size 18)
5. The headings should be: Arial, Size 28 The font size for the contents should be Font: Arial, Size: minimum size 20.
6. The e-presentation submitted will be deemed as final version and no further changes to the poster will be allowed to the day of presentation