On October 9-10, 2019, Omsk State Medical University hosted the International Student Olympiad and Conference on Digital Dentistry timed to the 60th anniversary of OSMU Department of Dental Orthopedics. It was attended by the representatives from medical universities of Russia, Byelorussia, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.
The organizers of this significant event were Prof. Igor LEBEDENKO, the Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation (RUDN, Moscow) and prof. Andrey STAFEYEV, Head of OSMU Department of Dental Orthopedics. The Olympiad was preceded by the Conference on current issues of dental orthopedics where the key speakers were the leading dentists of Russia.
All participants of the Olympiad succeeded in performing sophisticated clinical tasks and won in different nominations. The 5th year student of OSMU Dentistry Faculty Ekaterina KORNEEVA was awarded the first place diploma. The 5th year student of South Ural State Medical University Valentina LIPINA took the second place. The 5th year student of Sechenov University David KHACHATUROV won the third place.
Congratulations to all participants and winners of the Olympiad, its organizers, the staff of the Department of Dental Orthopedics and Dentistry Faculty!