On October 22, in the framework of World Osteoporosis Day, IV Inter-Regional Conference «Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis: Multidisciplinary View on New Realities and Prospects», dedicated to the memory of Professor Leonid B. REZNIK, took place in Omsk. The Conference was organized by the Ministry of Public Health of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Public Health of the Omsk Region, Clinical Medical Surgical Center (CMSC), Russian Association on Osteoporosis, Omsk Medical Union, Omsk Association of Orthopedic Traumatologists, and OSMU.
The Conference gathered more than 500 participants from Moscow, Kazan, Novosibirsk, and other cities. Leading Russian specialists in traumatology, orthopedics, internal medicine, rheumatology, gynecology, and radiology presented their reports. Special attention was brought to the issue of surgical treatment of complex fractures.
Osteoporosis is a disease characterized by a decrease in bone density. World Health Organization experts call it the "silent killer" because it creates conditions for severe fractures caused by minimal activity. Almost one in three femoral neck fractures occurs as a result of this disease.
- The conference establishes an environment for a multidisciplinary discussion, involving different specialists in conversation. Timely detection of the disease is the key to avoiding serious consequences, - said Vadim BEREZHNOY, Chief Doctor at the CMSC.
The main danger of osteoporosis is its long asymptomatic course resulted in treatment-resistant fractures. As a person gets older, bone tissue becomes brittle and takes longer to heal, creating a risk of repeated fractures. Each case is different, the doctor has to find a solution to the problem, and it is very important to share our unique experiences and adopt the best practices of our colleagues from other regions, - said German G. DZYUBA, Doctor at the Purulent Osteology Department of CMSC, Head of the OSMU Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics.
Great attention was given to the work of nurses in the fight against osteoporosis. Thus, great interest was aroused by the experience of nurses at the CMSC Center for Stress Fracture Prevention, who conduct questionnaires to identify the propensity for osteoporosis, give practical advice on follow-up examinations, treatment, and prevention of the disease.
- We began to deal with the problem of osteoporosis in 2017 under the leadership of Professor Reznik, who has done a lot for the development of traumatology and orthopedics in our Region. Today, the CMSC Osteoporosis Prevention Center has helped 2,100 patients, and 205 people have received follow-up care. Our specialists are actively sharing their experience with colleagues, and we are interested in learning how the work in other hospitals is organized, - said Natalia IBRAGIMOVA, Head Nurse at the CMSC.
CMSC Press Center