On April 20, 2023, within the framework of IX Omsk Pulmonology Forum the «Modern aspects of diagnosis and treatment of respiratory diseases» Conference took place.
Traditionally, the Forum was held with the participation of OSMU scientists and with the support of the Russian Respiratory Society.
Nowadays, all fields of medicine are closely related to pulmonology like never before. The Omsk Pulmonology Forum was organized to develop knowledge and skills of practicing doctors in the diagnosis and treatment of respiratory diseases, including topical issues such as post-covid syndrome and asthma (the most common obstructive pulmonary disease requiring constant maintenance treatment). The mixed format of the event allowed to attract a vast audience.
Irina I. DUBROVSKAYA, Head of the Pulmonology Department of Omsk Emergency Hospital №2, Chief External Specialist in Pulmonology on the Omsk Region, delivered the opening words and told about the state of the pulmonological service of the Omsk Region, the current situation and prospects for its development.
Prof. Natalia V. CHERNICHENKO, MD, PhD, Senior Research Scientist of the Surgery and Surgical Technologies Department of Russian Scientific Center of Roentgen Radiology, honorary guest of the Conference, told the listeners about the possibilities of bronchoscopy in the differential diagnosis of pulmonary diseases.
OSMU scientists also prepared reports on the topical issues of pulmonology. Eugenia A. BAIGOZINA, MD, PhD, Prof. of the Internal Medicine (Advanced Course) and Endocrinology Department, presented two reports: «The Burden of COPD exacerbations» and «The therapeutic continuum of COPD».
Prof. Anna V. MORDYK, MD, PhD, Head of the Phthisiology, Pulmonology and Infectious Diseases Department of OSMU, made three reports: «New and relevant in approaches to the COPD treatment», «Differential diagnosis of pneumonia», «Concomitant treatment of the infections of the upper and lower respiratory tract».
Natalia V. BAGISHEVA, MD, PhD, Prof. Assoc. of the Internal Medicine (Out-Patient Setting) Department, delivered a scientific report on the topic «Asthma: real clinical practice, focus on small airways».
The conference became a landmark event in the life of the pulmonological community, drawing attention to significant aspects of modern pulmonological science and practice.
OSMU Press Center