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Manage Pain Conference

On September 21, the regional interdisciplinary «Manage Pain» conference for doctors of various specialties took place in Omsk. Omsk became one of the first cities visited by federal experts to spread advanced knowledge on the pain problem among Russian doctors, improve communication between doctors of different specialties, and share international practices of organizing assistance in the treatment of patients with pain syndromes.
During the conference, eleven reports on a wide range of issues, including migraine and new possibilities for its treatment and prevention, back pain, painful polyneuropathy, and non-pharmacological pain management methods were presented. Among the speakers were experts from Moscow and Omsk. OSMU was represented by Roman A. DELOV, MD, PhD, Prof. Assoc. of the Neurology and Neurosurgery (Postgraduate Course) Department, Chairperson of the Omsk Regional Association of Neurologists. He stressed the importance of modern pain management and pain relief capabilities, and also modern models of managing patients with different pain syndromes.
The conference was attended by doctors of various specialties, especially practicing neurologists, who noted the importance of discussing not only pharmacological pain management methods, but also biopsychosocial factors affecting pain mechanisms, disability and treatment of the patient, in particular the effects of lifestyle, thoughts, emotional state, and attitude.
- I think that after this conference, serious pain management centers will appear in Omsk, where specialists from different regions will come to study, because OSMU is a serious medical university which has its own experts on this problem. It is crucial to continue sharing experience so that patients recover and doctors do not burn out. – said Alexey B. DANILOV, MD, PhD, Head of the Neurology Department (Institute of Professional Development) of Sechenov University (Moscow), Executive Director of the Association of Interdisciplinary Medicine.
OSMU Press Center