On September 23, 2024, scientific projects marathon of internal medicine departments of Russia "From innovative technologies and education to health care practice", a part of the regular meeting of the Council for Internal Medicine of the Department of Medical Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences, was held.
Prof. Inna A. VIKTOROVA, MD, PhD, Head of the Internal Medicine and Outpatient Care Department, Assoc. Prof. Inna V. DRUK, MD, PhD, Head of the Department of Internal and Family Medicine and Galina I. NECHAEVA, MD, PhD, Professor of the Department of Internal and Family Medicine, took part at the meeting, dedicated to the problems of diagnosis and management of the patients with connective tissue dysplasia.
Prof. Inna A. VIKTOROVA gave a speech on the personalization of the prognosis and rehabilitation of patients with joint hypermobility syndrome.
Assoc. Prof. Inna V. DRUK talked about cardiovascular syndromes of connective tissue dysplasia (clinical presentation, development mechanisms, prognostic criteria, technologies for providing treatment and preventive care).
Victoria A. RUMYANTSEVA, MD, PhD, Researcher at the Clinical Clinical Research Center of Internal Medicine and Primary Care of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Geneticist at the Laboratory of Medical Genetics of the Petrovsky National Research Centre of Surgery ended the meeting with her report entitled “Is there a need for new clinical guidelines for the management of patients with connective tissue dysplasia?”.