OSMU volunteers continue their work to stop the spread of COVID-19.
It has been a month since the medical volunteers started their work. During this period, more than 100 medical students joined the volunteer movement.
The list of responsibilities has expanded since then. Now volunteers have to remind of the need to wear masks and keep the social distance in the classrooms and dormitories and while walking.
Diversity of prevention activities against COVID-19 spreading have been carried out including online meetings with over 200 medical students and 40 university employees.
Nikolay A. NIKOLAEV, Vice-Rector for Medical Activities and Regional Public Health Issues, said: «OSMU Volunteers did a great job. Student Council’s project has been created just in time. Nowadays, a priority task is prevention of COVID-19 spread in the terms of offline educational process. Administration of the University thanks volunteers for their tremendous work and will provide further support and assistance! »
Volunteers are planning to facilitate the awareness-raising campaign at OSMU and College of OSMU.
Take care of your health and health of people around!
OSMU Press Center