Esteemed Colleagues, Dearest Friends,
On behalf of the Ministry of Public Health of the Russian Federation, I would like to congratulate you on the Significant Anniversary of University; Omsk State Medical University is the oldest educational institution in Siberia and one of the leading educational and research centers in Russia.
The centenary is not just a date; it is a milestone in the history of our country. Over the years of its existence, Omsk State Medical University has become the Alma Mater for the specialists in the sphere of medicine, for a whole galaxy of famous doctors and medical scientists, continuing working even during the period of great upheavals - during the Great Patriotic War.
Over the years Omsk Medical Institute, subsequently the University, has constantly developedand increased its potential, implemented all the innovations of national education and medicine into the studying process, which has won the indisputable authority and respect of the Russian and foreign medical community.
Undoubtedly, this day is an excellent occasion to thank the academic faculty and the entire teaching staff of the University for their self-sacrifice, loyalty to the chosen path and sincere concern for their students.
I am convinced that you will remain committed to the glorious traditions of University, and will continue to make a worthy contribution to the development of higher medical school.
I wish you great success and further dynamic development, scientific breakthroughs in medicine and new achievements, stay healthy and wealthy, and enhance all your merits!
Mikhail A. MURASHKO,
Minister of Public Health of the Russian Federation