OSMU hosted the round-table conference «Modern trends in higher medical education as a tool for developing the region’s workforce capacity». Its participants were representatives of the administration, teaching staff, and student activists of our university, as well as Artem N. NARKEVICH, MD, PhD, the Minister of Health of the Omsk Region, and representatives of Siberian State Medical University and Tyumen State Medical University. The moderators were Elena B. PAVLINOVA, MD, PhD, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Head of the OSMU Department of Pediatrics (Advanced Level), including Postgraduate Training Courses, and Pavel V. PRUDNIKOV, Chief Researcher of the Center of New Chemical Technologies (Institute of Catalysis of Siberian branch of RAS), Professor of the Department of Theoretical Physics of Omsk State University.
The key topics of the roundtable were the development of medical specialists training (mentioning the staff shortage), the formation of an individual professional path during ongoing education, and modern methods of managing the information environment in healthcare.
The speakers mentioned that the prospects of healthcare development are associated with the implementation of modern technologies; therefore it is necessary to change the fundamental approach to organizing the professional training system in order to ensure a flexible response to social and economic changes and harmonization of educational outcomes with requirements in the professional field. It assumes the monitoring of needs of the employer, the use of modern educational technologies and equipment in the educational process, joint work with the Ministry of Health of the Omsk Region in the field of students’ internship and employment of young specialists.
Opportunities for implementing a new model of medical education in OSMU, digital marketing in advanced professional education, international cooperation, and priority development fields in all specialist’s, master’s, residency, and PhD programs became key topics in the reports of OSMU representatives and their colleagues from other regions. Then a workshop on the midterm development in the areas of career guidance, admission campaign, maintenance of contingent, attracting foreign students, and residency, PhD, and master’s programs were held. The round table ended with a discussion on the results of the work and identification of priorities for the midterm development of higher medical education in our region.
OSMU Press Center