The XXIII National Scientific Conference «Multidisciplinary Hospital: Innovative Solutions», dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Center for Miners' Health Protection, took place on May 19-20.
The event was organized by the Ministry of Public Health of the Russian Federation, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Ministry of Public Health of Kuzbass, Y. L. Tsivyan Novosibirsk Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics, Kemerovo State Medical University, Novokuznetsk State Institute for Advanced Training of Doctors, Kuzbass Clinical Center for Miners' Health Protection.
OSMU was represented by Andrey O. GIRSH, MD, PhD, Prof. of the Department of General Surgery, and Sergey V. CHERNENKO, MD, PhD, Head of the Department of General Surgery.
The plenary session of the Conference «Innovative Medical Technologies: Polytrauma» was devoted to the issues of trauma and orthopedic care in the Siberian Federal District, a multidisciplinary approach to the treatment of gunshot injuries and polytrauma.
Andrey O. GIRSH gave a lecture on the nutritional support of hypermetabolism and nutritional deficiencies in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome. In his report, Sergey V. CHERNENKO told about the assessment of diagnostic data in patients with shock trauma for improving surgical treatment.
The event ended with a lively discussion, which once again proved the never-ending interest in innovative solutions in medicine.
OSMU Press Center